The dsPIC33A family of DSCs with low latency responsiveness is designed for high-performance and real-time precision control applications. These DSCs combine the advantages of MCUs with the signal processing capabilities of Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), making them suitable for a wide variety of applications that require quick control loop computations using multiple sensor inputs.
Progressive real-time control systems demand enhanced optimization, greater computational efficiency and broader functionality. Microchip’s latest dsPIC33A DSC tackles the complexities of executing high-performance system designs. This advanced controller boasts improved efficiency and integration capabilities, allowing for the execution of multiple functions through a single device. It facilitates the integration of code from model-based design tools with increased focus on safety and security. The first dsPIC33AK “MC1” devices released in this portfolio include the following key features and more:
- 32-bit Comprehensive Instruction Set
- Single and Double Precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU) Co-processor
- Up to 128 Kbytes of Program Flash Memory (ECC)
- Up to 16 Kbytes of RAM Memory (ECC and MBIST)